Episode 9: Spinning Muslin Into Gold

Using left over bits of muslin, I stitch or tie them together.  Most of these strips I have torn, not cut. This leaves a textured edge. You can also add extra bits of strings, embroidery cotton, beads, charms, the list goes on. Writing on the long ends of the muslin strips adds interest.

I use a drop spindle as I do not own a spinning wheel (yet). These are easy to use, and there are several YouTubes to guide you. So far my favorite drop spindle is by Ashford. Tip, depending on how tight you spin, the muslin will get very dense. I find I like this tightness, it also keeps it spun without unfurling as you knit and/or crochet with it.

Another recycled thread I have been spinning, are the threads on the selvedge of cotton or silk fabrics after they are washed. I used to clip and toss those luscious bits, but now I save in a little baggy and spin into a ‘thread’ yarn. For this it’s easier to use a drop spindle that has a groove in the whorl top. 

The long vest, Vogue pattern 1540, is begging for some surface design/embellishment. I have a feeling I will wear it once I have brought it to life with paints, stencils, writing, mending patches, etc. 

I have used the Vogue skirt pattern 9060 many times, the one I’m wearing here. One of my favorites. I’ve started adding a belt, which switches up the look too. 

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Episode 10: 5Ft Silk Trousers


Episode 8: Read My Skirt - Part 3