
Fotos / Videos / Website


Congratulations, you found your way to my hidden page, where I’ve put up a tour to help you navigate. Why is this page ‘hidden’? Good question. It’s because I’ve learned that 99% of people don’t like instructions. Not only that, but virtually all of the visitors to this website will be artists, and they really don’t like instruction. The 1% of people who do find this page, will be the type of person who enjoys information and instruction. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it… LOL.

Here’s a quick overview of the organization of Leslie’s website, which may (hopefully) help you enjoy our content. As you can see, each of the following sections has a menu tab for quick access.

  • Blog - Each ‘blog post’ consist of photos and description of one particular garment. This is the most frequently updated section of the website, offering more photos and a detailed description of that same garment posted at the same time to Leslie’s Instagram feed. The post will usually include a short video of the garment in a ‘twirl’ or similar format. Each Blog Post garment is tagged with a Category, so with a single click you can see all the garments in that Category.

  • Studio Videos - These are videos shot in Leslie’s studio with background and instruction on techniques or other subjects that you may find informative and educational. They typically run up to 5 minutes, and are simultaneously posted to IGTV (Instagram TV) with a preview and link to the video in Leslie’s Instagram feed.

  • Collections - Collections are just that, collections of multiple garments with a common theme. Not updated as often, but as Blog Post garments ‘Collect’ (LOL), they will either be added to an existing Collection or start a new Collection. If you drill down inside a Collection there will be additional details on how each piece was created. For example, the most recently newly created Collection is Sustainable.

  • Directory - This is a single page that consolidates the Collections and Blog Categories in one place for easy access.

  • Videos - If you want a simplified overview of all our Studio Videos and Blog Garment Twirls this is your spot. Because these are only the videos, you will miss out on all the extra photos, descriptions, information links and details that you see in each complete post, but it is a different place to start your viewing.

And now for something to do during the pandemic, I’ve also stuck away my own hidden blog. Every once in a while I see somthing I’d like to post, and since I’m not about to create a whole new site just for a few occasional posts, I decided to create a shadow blog. Because this is Leslie’s website I’ve deliberately not included any obvious links or menus leading to my blog posts, but if you see something of interest you can always copy the url for a direct link.