Collaboration - The Peacock Project
Here is the little story about this Caplet, a collaboration between Cathie Borrie and myself. It was created for and gifted to author Molly Peacock.
Seven years ago, on a warm, sweet afternoon, in a cozy apartment in NYC, I had the good fortune to meet Cathie Borrie. Friends had gathered to meet Borrie and learn about her newly published book, The Long Hello.
Borrie and I became friends after that lovely afternoon. Over the years Cathie and I met on occasion, usually in our favorite restaurant in NYC. We chatted about our lives, our art, food, and everything in between.
One day I was desperate for a book to read, I knew Cathie could lead me to that perfect author. She immediately asked if I had ever read books by author Molly Peacock? I had not, so she gave me several titles. I chose the “Flower Diary.” I fell in love with this book, and several others she has authored. Cathie and I had yet another exciting topic of discussion to share, Molly Peacock and her writings. I listened, read, and learned with delight.
Fast forward - Borrie and I have that creative process in common. Over the years we oohed and awed over each other's stitches and words. Then about a year ago Borrie braved the question I think we both had secretly been keeping close to our hearts, should we consider a collaboration? And she continued, shall we create something for Molly Peacock? In a nutshell, it simply felt right. We were off and running with buckets full of ideas.
Borrie’s gentleness was key to this collaboration, and her poetry was icing on the caplet. Due to our geographical distance, we spoke via Zoom about what we called the “Peacock Project.” Some of my favorite moments were when she read her poems that I would stitch on this caplet, aloud to me.
Borrie’s brilliant poetry was transferred with needle and thread, hand-embroidered on various areas of the caplet. The floral fabric is raw-edged, free-formed machine embroidered, spilling onto the solid silk. With the exception of one poem, which I typed using a vintage typewriter. Side note: My mother-in-law used this typewriter to type Perry Mason manuscripts many moons ago.
While the caplet is based around books written by Peacock, it also incorporates all the titles she has written to date, typed on tiny pieces of silk, and hand-stitched to the lining of the scarf section. A secret pocket contains a little silk heart with embroidered initials. Borrie was instrumental in not only her poetry for this piece, but the addition of the titles and secret pocket ideas.
The pattern I used was a vintage design, from the early 1940’s.
Being vulnerable with my creations has never been easy. But this collaboration watered and nurtured all fears. Our vision grew into flowers, the words were written, the words were stitched.
Caplet respectfully presented to Molly Peacock April 2023.
Click any image to begin a slideshow.
Some bits and pieces during the process of pulling all the ideas, words and fabric together.
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Click below for in process of the inside of the Caplet during construction.